Tri-County Board seeks input for planning


TROY – The Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services is inviting residents who live or work in Miami, Darke or Shelby Counties to participate in its Strategic Planning Survey online.

The survey, which takes between 3 and 15 minutes to complete, is presented in three possible ways: for persons who have received mental health or addictions services for themselves or their families; for those who work in the field of mental health or addictions services; or whose professions intersect with those services, such as law enforcement officers, court personnel, school teachers or administrators, medical services providers, and so on. The survey can be found on the Board’s website at

Data gathered through the survey will be used to inform the Board’s Three-Year Strategic Plan. The Tri-County Board is a three-county government agency authorized by Ohio Revised Code to plan, fund, monitor and evaluate mental health and recovery services in Miami, Darke and Shelby counties.

“Our Three-Year Strategic Plan is an important tool for our Board members to use to allocate resources for local priorities,” said Tri-County Board Executive Director Terri Becker. “We value input from all of our stakeholders and from the public in general. With this information, we are better able to determine where best to invest in local services.”

The Tri-County Board’s funding is through federal, state and local dollars, including a 0.6 mill mental health levy.

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