Your decisions on voting


Many who are voting in this election, or who have already voted, are single-issue voters. As I tell my college student, most issues are complex, and studying them or discussing them with informed voters, and reading news accounts of positions on a host of issues is the best way to approach voting.

You might indicate that you haven’t the time. To that I would say, “Take the time.”

Further, I would indicate that there are so many issues that you need to assign weight to each on a scale of 1 to 10. What you will learn is that some issues are more important to you than others.

Abortion. It’s impossible to say simply that you are for it or against it. What about the following cases: the pregnant female is 10 years old. Or there was rape or incest. What if the fetus is severely compromised and will die shortly before or after birth? What if the pregnant woman has developed a disease and abortion is needed to save her life? What if…?

Gun Rights. Should all guns be confiscated and destroyed? Should licensed gun owners be allowed to carry their guns to public meetings? Should mentally ill individuals own guns? What kinds of guns should be in private hands? What about…?

Law Enforcement. Should there be a national registry of law enforcement officers who have been put on leave or dismissed because of violations of public safety and conviction for same? Should the men and women in law enforcement be better trained? In what areas? What about choke holds, tasers use, dealing with persons under the influence…?

Immigration. Should those brought here as children be expelled? If so, under what conditions? Is t possible to secure the Mexican border and if so, at what expense? Should illegal immigrants who are 65 or 70 and have worked in the U.S. for decades be expelled?

Behavior of Those Seeking Election. What behaviors are appropriate? Is adultery before or during office acceptable. What about forgery or theft in office — before or after holding office?

Science. Do you believe in science? Some parts of science? No parts of science? Is there climate change? What’s causing it? Is Covid-19 real?

Same-Sex Marriages. Do you approve of them? Reject them? Should those current marriages be abolished? Should states make the decision? Should same-sex couples be allowed to adopt?

Public or Private Schools. Should taxpayers’ monies support private schools?

Racism: Does it exist? How serious is it if it exists? What role does government have, if any?

Veterans. Are they funded appropriately? Should we do more or less?

Employment. Minimum wage? Taxes? Who should pay? Should loopholes for the very wealthy be eliminated?

Fossil fuels, the nature of democracy , and dozen of other items can be added to my brief list.

As soon as I get my mail-in ballot, I’ll vote — after carefully reading it. Will you do the same?

By Vivian Blevins

Contributing columnist

Vivian B. Blevins. Ph.D., a graduate of The Ohio State University, served as a community college president for 15 years in Kentucky, Texas, California, and Missouri before returning to Ohio to teach telecommunication employees from around the country and students at Edison State Community College and to work with veterans. You may reach her at 937-778-3815 or [email protected].

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