Grange dictionaries delivered

ARCANUM – On behalf of the Stelvideo Grange and Junior Grange, Arcanum presented Arcanum third-grade students with their own children’s dictionary.

Granges throughout the United States believe strongly in supporting the development of its youth, especially in the area of literacy.

Each student was presented with this message: “We believe this dictionary will assist your child in furthering their educational development throughout the coming years. You can learn more about the Dictionary Project by visiting the website at”

The gift of these dictionaries would not have been possible without the Grange fundraisers, such as its fair booth displays, selling Ohio State Grange Cookbooks, and selling fair tickets, plus all the donations.

The Grange appreciates everyone’s support and is also appreciative of all the support that was received in the recent Community Service Project with Usborne Books “For A Purpose” for Dayton Children’s Hospital. They earned more than $1,200 in Usborne Books plus received more than $600 worth of books for free to give to Dayton Children’s Cart Library.

They books will be delivered to Children’s Hospital with a short tour for the juniors on Feb 24.

In this 15th year participating in the Dictionary Project, the 15-member Grange and its seven-member Junior Grange has distributed approximately 90 dictionaries this year to Arcanum third-grade students and teachers at absolutely no cost to the students, the teachers or the school.

They have given more than 1,280 dictionaries to Arcanum School.

“It is in this spirit of giving and community service that makes our volunteer work with Stelvideo Grange and Stelvideo Junior Grange tremendously rewarding,” said Lyn Hinshaw. “Unlike many other social organizations, there is a place for everyone in the Grange, from birth to the time they turn 5 to when they can become a part of the Junior Grange. The Junior Grange allows children to have fun, participate in activities, learn Leadership roles, responsibility, and make a difference in their Community. At 14, they can become members in the Subordinate Grange, with full voting rights and the ability to hold any office at any level of the organization from Darke County to State to National Grange. If you and your family are looking for an organization that you can join all together, or if you are looking to make friends and find an extended family from all over Ohio and the US, the Grange is the place for you.”

For more information about Stelvideo Grange or Stelvideo Junior Grange, contact Harvey Hinshaw at 937-621-4901, or [email protected] or go to or for more info.

Grangers shown behind the Arcanum third-graders who received dictionaries are Dean Burk, Harvey Hinshaw, Susan Gunckle, Lynne Hinshaw and Junior Grangers, Calen Clopp, Moxon Gilpin, Madelyn Dillon, Haddie Gilpin and Joey Clopp. shown behind the Arcanum third-graders who received dictionaries are Dean Burk, Harvey Hinshaw, Susan Gunckle, Lynne Hinshaw and Junior Grangers, Calen Clopp, Moxon Gilpin, Madelyn Dillon, Haddie Gilpin and Joey Clopp. Courtesy photo