Which came first?


Versailles News
By Kathy Monnin

I don’t know if anyone was really meant to ponder the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? But for the purposes of an article, I am going to response to the age-old question. Some would say the egg came first; others would say it’s the chicken. It appears to me that the chicken was created on the sixth day when God created all the animals entrusting them into the care of man. All animals can reproduce sexually, which is how they are meant to perpetuate their species. Chickens are animals, but eggs are not. Therefore, it seems a valid theory to say the chicken had to be first to lay the egg, just as Adam and Eve were created and blessed with the ability to propagate.

But wait, does there need to be an egg for there to be a chicken? Consider when Christ came into the world he was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He humbly entered the world in the same manner all newborn babies come into the world; naked and utterly defenseless after developing 39 to 40 weeks within his mother’s womb. Ergo, how could an egg hatch if there was no mother to nest upon the egg?

I am not saying God cannot do all things through His power but rather he created an order of nature and life. A process that seems to be throughout the universe. The sun rises in the east, it travels across the sky and sets. Man is born, he hunts, eats, sleeps, procreates, passes the torch to his offspring, and dies. Animals live a similar life to man but without reason and logic. Plants have a similar life cycle with the obvious exceptions. Interestingly the flowers, plants and trees were not created until day three, because they needed light (day 1), water (day 2), air (day 2) and dry land (day 3). Science proves what is needed to grow vegetation, but it could also be easily learnt from the bible. So, it’s your turn, what came first science of truth, what came first the creator or His creation?

“Life is really simple, but men insist on complicating it.” ~Confucius

“There is a life cycle that seems to be the same for all living creations.” ~C. Edwards


Friday, Nov. 5, beginning at 7 p.m. the Modern Mothers hold their 12th Annual Quarter Auction at the Stillwater Golf Course. For more information contact Katie Rindler at 937-726-9412.

Friday, Nov. 5, and Saturday, Nov. 6 there is Karaoke in the Versailles Vets Club Bunker beginning at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 6, from 10 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. will be the Fall into Christmas Food Truck Rally and Craft Show held at the Darke County Fairgrounds.

Sunday, Nov. 7, door open at noon for a wild game fry and the Browns vs Bengals game. Donations accepted go towards the Vets Club Scholarship fund. Non-members are invited to attend and consider becoming members of the SAL.

Monday, Nov. 8, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. is a Memory Lane Dance held at the Greenville VFW. Open to the public, with music by Tom Everhart. Admission is $5 at the door.

Monday, Nov. 8, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. the Rediscovering Joy (a support group for widows and widowers) will meet at R & R Fabrications meeting room at 601 E. Washington Street, St. Henry. For more information, call or text Judy at 419-733-5629 or Mary at 419-678-8830. New members always welcomed.

Wednesday, Nov. 10, from 5 to 7 p.m. a Veterans Dinner will be served at the VHS Cafetorium. RSVP 937-526-4427 ASAP.

Thursday, Nov. 11, from 4 to 7 p.m. the Versailles Vets Club will be holding its bean soup dinner in honor of Veterans Day. The Veterans enjoy making a meal and serving the public. They will accept free will offerings. Veterans Day is when Americans honor all living military veterans.

Thursday, Nov. 11, beginning at 7 p.m. there is bid euchre in the Versailles Vets Club bunker. There is a $5 entry fee and food on hand. Cash prize for the top three.

Thursday, Nov. 11, Friday, Nov. 12, and Saturday Nov. 13, the Versailles Drama Club presents “Cap’n Hook,” 7:30 nightly at the Versailles Performing Arts Center. Tickets can be purchased now at vtigers.seatyourself.biz for $7.

Friday, Nov. 12, beginning at 6 p.m. is the Versailles Hometown Christmas Celebration held downtown on Main Street. Santa arrives at 7 p.m. There will be entertainment, food trucks, games, and carriage rides on hand.

Saturday, Nov. 13, from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. the Versailles Eagles sponsors Breakfast with Santa.

Happy birthday wishes to Nancy Brewer, Stephanie Sommer, DDS, Nick Schlater, Mercedes Fellers, Isabel Capowski, Lori Cordonnier, Bonnie Paulus, Scott Francis, Connie Apple, Carlena Sneed, Kay Camacho, Rob Smith, Lori Bensman, Janel Monnin, Jennifer (Francis) Hruskocy, Tom Magoto, Mary Francis, Danielle Keiser Denman, Gina Poling, CheyAnne Toner, Christy Hunt, Jim Trittschuh, Stacy (Christian) Shonkwiler, Sharon Henry, Christine Randall, Marge Harman, Kim Smith, Suzie Keihl, Marcie Roll, Judy York, Mike “Bambi” Phlipot, Rose Mary Paulus, Carol Laub, as their birthdays approach as well as, anniversary wishes to Angel and Shane Borchers (21), Traci and Jeremy Cordonnier (25), Dawn and Tom Petitjean (28), Stephanie and Ken Swallow, Diane and Bob Magoto (46), Carol and Phil Borchers (49), Diane and Jim Grillot (50), and all those couples celebrating anniversaries.

Please extend your heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Chuck Burris (66), Carol Wolaver (72), Jeanne Voisard (73), Carolyn Homan (77), Marian Franzer (95), and all those who have passed and those who are in our hearts as the anniversary of their passing nears. Please give your healing and uplifting prayers for the sick, those who struggle, the suffering, the caregivers and those who mourn the loss of their loved ones.

As an act of kindness, trust in the order of life. Remember nothing is going to happen to you that has not already been foreseen by God and directed for your greater good. Let that knowledge empower you to show care and compassion to everyone you encounter this weeklong.

Kathy Monnin is a volunteer citizen columnist. She can be reached at [email protected] or at 423-0914. Feel free to contact her with Versailles news and tidbits. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.

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