TROY — Wednesday, September 4, 9 a.m., Coffee and Donuts with First Responders at the Miami Valley Veterans Museum, 2245 So. County Road 25A., Troy.
The Museum hosts the local, community, county, and regional First Responders as honored guests. Firefighters, police officers, state patrol officers, emergency medical personnel, paramedics, rescue squads and all those who strengthen our community will be honored for their service and love for the people they serve. Among our finest citizens of the Miami Valley are these devoted heroes.
As the Museum honors these local heroes, keep in mind the many lost on Sept. 11, 2001.
For more information on how to support the new museum’s many projects contact Ted Jones, board president, Miami Valley Veterans Museum, (937) 332-8852.
The museum is located just north of the driving range. Coffee and Donuts begin at 8:30 a.m., courtesy of the Miami Valley Veterans Services, Selena Loyd, executive director.
The museum is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thank you for supporting the Miami Valley Veterans Museum.