UNION CITY, Ind. — The Union City Lions Club met on Tuesday, Sept. 24 in the Union City Community Room. Fifteen members and five guests enjoyed a meal of lasagna, garlic bread, salad, and cobbler.
The UC Lions had some special guests attending this meeting including David “Rocky” Simpson, Indiana Lions District 25-D Governor. Simpson is a member of the Greentown Lions Club. Also with them were Anita Hines and Jeff Manning visiting from the Saratoga Lions Club.
Blake Clevenger and two Union City High School students, seniors Trenden Spence and Jace Connor presented the program for the evening. They are part of the UC Skoolies. The UC Skoolies are a Workforce Wednesday group that is turning a retired school bus into an RV. Their goal is to have this project completed by March so eight students and two adults can take it on a seven-day trip to Glacier National Park with several other stops along the way. This project is very “hands-on” with students making design decisions and doing the actual work.
Workforce Wednesday started at Union City Jr.-Sr High School last year. It is an effort by RESC to redesign the high school experience with a focus on workplace skills. RESC received a grant to start this program.
If you want to learn more about the UC Skoolies, visit their website https://ucskoolies.com/ or their Facebook page @UC Skoolies.