Ice cream social at Versailles Area Museum set for Sunday

VERSAILLES – The Versailles Area Museum invites community members to an old-fashioned day of fun as the museum hosts its annual ice cream social on the museum lawn.

The ice cream social will be from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, rain or shine, and this year many new activities are planned.

The Versailles Area Museum will premiere its newest display, “The Great Outdoors.” Guests can enjoy the days of the last century when everyone seemed to hit the road as the commercial suggested to “see the USA in our Chevrolet.” From boating to camping, it’s all here to enjoy.

The Versailles Area Museum also will welcome back the Darke County Art Guild for its “Art on the Lawn,” a chance to enjoy artists at work, creating beauty for the next generation.

For those who were dodging showers at Poultry Days and missed the old Rio fire truck, it will return for an encore performance on the museum lawn.

From the wonderful Bushwack display and their new song to enjoy inside, the Versailles Area Museum will have the Marshall’s live on the outside. Ron and Elaine will offer some fun music for the afternoon.