Powell supports House Bill 621

COLUMBUS, Ohio — State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) today supported the House passage of House Bill 621, legislation that allows any business that can comply with safety standards from government orders or regulations to stay open.

“I am proud that the Ohio House took action today to protect our small businesses and keep Ohio open,” said Powell. “Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and deserve to keep their employees on the job.”

The bill, known as the Business Fairness Act, creates competitive fairness by giving small businesses the ability to maintain operations during a public health emergency.

“There is more work to be done, and I will continue to fight to have the voices of my constituents heard,” added Powell.

H.B. 621 is supported by the National Federation of Independent Businesses, Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, and Ohio Small Business Council.

The legislation now heads to the Senate for consideration.


Staff report