Art work in the creek


GREENVILLE — Sterling Gregory, a rock balance artist, has been spending some time since he recently moved to Greenville creating balances at the north end in the creek on the east side of the Swinging Bridge in Greenville City Park.

“I love to inspire people to think positive and try new things,” he said. “You might see me and some of these around. I would love to talk about it and hear how it might bring some positivity to your area. My balances are quite sensitive and will get blown down or knocked down within moments or days. I am looking forward to sharing this art much more and that is exactly the kind of support it needs. I am in contact with many balance artists throughout the world and it seems to bring a lot of joy to the communities.”

Deb Berger Fall, Greenville City Park manager, said she hasn’t made contact with the man yet, but indicated there is only one structure left.

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