Arcanum starts limb pickup


ARCANUM – The Village of Arcanum Street Department will start its limb pickup beginning in April. This is a complimentary service provided to Arcanum residents for tree limb removal resulting from inclement weather conditions.

Scheduled pickups run from April to October (pickup will end Oct. 22, 2019 unless notified otherwise).

Pickups are held the second and Thursday of every month.

If pickup is prevented or interrupted on Thursday, then pickup will be on Friday or as soon as possible.

Several times throughout the year the weather causes unscheduled limb pickups. These are evaluated and carried out at the discretion of the street department.

If your pile of fallen limbs exceeds four-feet high, wide, or length, call the office to set up arrangements for pickup, to not interrupt the regularly scheduled pick up times. Again this service is only for limbs resulting from inclement weather conditions.

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