Versailles News: Common grounds for unity


Where are our voices? Edmund Burke prophesied “All that is required for evil to prevail is for a few good people to remain silent.”

I believe most all of us have and use our voices, but each of our voices are different; some forceful, some loud, some soft, some harsh, some shrill, some filled with timber, some annoying, some captivating, some inspiring, some intellectual and some idiotic. Our voices (opinions, ideas and thoughts) are as individual as our fingerprint or signature making it doubtful that two people can agree on any complex issue.

As people we are complicated; just as security can use the retina as a form of identification each retina sees the world uniquely. Teachers know this to be true when grading papers. There is always a strong likelihood two or more papers with identical answers implies cheating, unless the questions were simple multiple choice. Just as identical eyewitness accounts to a crime or accident are usually suspect.

Being unique can be admirable and liberating, but we must be cautious as our very uniqueness can become our own undoing. We can become self-absorbed pursuing our own agenda. Adversaries love to divide and conquer, however they cannot defeat a united front. It is true there is safety in numbers, but real strength comes from uniting those numbers into one.

Most of us can unite ourselves to others regarding our family values, moral conduct, work ethic and Christian responsibility. Finding common ground with others is necessary for our good and the good of our community. If we unite our strengths, focus on the positive, and become grateful for one another then our voices blend making one strong harmoniously pleasing song that cannot be ignored.

For our first song I would like to request, “The Golden Rule.”

Upcoming events:

Saturday at 1 p.m., Santa will be arriving at the Eagles. All the area children are invited to visit with Santa.

Dec. 24 (and every Thursday through March) there is an Open Bid Euchre Tournament at the Vet’s Club (downstairs) starting at 7 p.m.

The Vet’s Club is hosting a Casual New Year’s Home Party there will be card playing, snacking, dancing and karaoke, with a traditional midnight meal. This event is open to the public for singles and couples. Let no one spend New Year’s Eve alone.

Happy birthday to Dave Magoto, Emily Smith, Lucy Tuente, Jett Baker, Miranda McClurg, Laura Heitkamp, Lily Brock, Macie Griffith, Jackie Keyser, Doug Ahlers, Jill Nieport, Floyd Monnin, Pat Wright, Ken Kremer, Robert Condon, Rick Alexander, Ann Pedersen, Carol Schuh, Madonna McEldowney, Jill Grillot, Kelly Fliehman, Mike Schulze, Karen Koverman, Larry Martino, Traci Monnin, Heidi Gilmore, Joe Bulcher, Heather Midlam, Elaine Meyer, Ryan Lundvall, and Baby Jesus. Anniversary wishes to Kelli and Pastor Chuck McKeen (8), Jeanne and Gary Osterfeld (22), Katrina and Dan Hoening.

Healing prayers and get well wishes for Jennifer Platfoot, Ann Pedersen (undergoing chemotherapy), James Magoto (heart problems), Harry Gorrell, Chick Conley (back surgery), Dan Bertke, Dan Monnin, Kathy Magoto (breast cancer), Kitty Zumbrink (knee surgery), Yvonne Ridenour, Frank Heitkamp (new kidney transplant), Betty Hess, Jan Turner (foot surgery), Gary Poling, Scottie Barga, Dan Ahrens, Bob Longenecker, Josh Paulus, Cyril Frantz, John Davis, Beverly Norton, Carl Drees, Dorothy Richard, Dave Magoto, Alan Barga, Maggie Dabbelt, Bob Homan, Janet Pitsenbarger, Kelly Bruns, Steven Youngker, Dave Francis, Marge Langenkamp, Iris Nickol, Eileen Rahm, Michelle McClure Dan Trostel, Robert Longenecker, Rita Wuebker, Shirley Davis, Yvonne Ridenour, Cyril Voisard, Wayne Pittsenbarger, Lois and James Youngker, Glenn Monnin, Isabella Yakos, Brian Voisard Barb and Jon Agne, Samantha Smith, Michelle Ullom and all those dealing with cancer or any one of life’s many challenges, as well the hospitalized or homebound in need of our prayers but not mentioned by name.

Sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Tina Jones (51), Lawrence Lloyd (57), Robert Richard (68), also remembering the lives of John Griesdorn, Coryanna Strawser, Gary Devor, Benjamin Puthoff, Eileen Mendenhall, Alfrieda Puthoff, Julia Addis, Jim Beare, John Baltes, Chris Simons, Viola Luthman, Katrina George, Martha Kremer, Don Rismiller, Nancy Yagel, Buckles Treon, Dolcie Mooneyhan, Goldie Wood, Luella Berger, Bertha Hartle, Sarah Monnier, Pauline Dapore, Elmer Wagner, Ruth Spencer and all those who are in our hearts but not mentioned by name as the anniversary of their passing nears.

The Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; for this is the law and the prophets.” ~Matthew 7:12

“The foundation of freedom is unity.” ~Oliver Kemper

“Unity with others is peace.” ~C. Edwards

“Where there is unity there is always victory.” ~Publilus Syrus

By Kathy Magoto

Kathy Magoto is a volunteer citizen columnist, who serves The Daily Advocate readers weekly with her weekly Versailles community column. She can be reached at [email protected] or at 526-3798. Feel free to contact her with Versailles news and tidbits. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.

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