DARKE COUNTY — Beth Martin, Darke County Junior Fair coordinator, announced the results of this year’s elections to the Junior Fair Board.
“I would like to extend my congratulations to those elected to represent their various departments,” she said.
Elections for Junior Fair are held annually during the Darke County Fair. Junior Fair exhibitors ages 9 up to 18 are allowed to vote for representatives for the departments in which they show.
The following representatives were elected (by department, with length of term):
Beef: Isaac Gehret — 2-years, Marlee Hess — 1-year
Dairy: Zak Peele — 2 years
Dog: Matthew Ditmer — 2 years
Goat: Cole Spitler — 2 years
Horse: Bryant Fox — 2 years
Poultry: Tyler Greer — 2 years, Zeb Hannan — 2 years
Rabbit: Marcy Bradshaw — 2 years, Matt Slyder — 2 years
Sheep: John Fischer — 2 years, Haleigh Powell — 2 years, Amber Bergman — 1 year
Swine: Brenna Loxley — 2 years
Youth Building 4-H: Kasidy Davis — 2 years, Faith Wilker — 2 years
Youth Building Future Farmers of America (FFA): Andrew Stegall — 2 years
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA): Hannah Rammel — 2 years.
The Darke County Junior Fair program presented at the Darke County Fair is planned and conducted by members of the Junior Fair Board, 4-H and FFA advisors.
Events include the king and queen contest, the Showman of Showmen contest, all Junior Fair livestock shows, and various Youth Building events.
The Junior Fair Board promotes and encourages agriculture, industry, education, science, art and other interests of importance to Darke County youth. Members of the the board represent various livestock and other project interest groups of 4-H and FFA members, as well as the Girl Scouts, Farm Bureau Youth and FCCLA.
Outside of August, during Fair month, the Junior Fair Board meets every other month at the Darke County Extension Office in Greenville. The board’s next meeting is scheduled for October 8 at 7:30 p.m.
For further information, visit the Junior Fair’s website at www.darkecountyjrfair.com.