VERSAILLES — Versailles Council heard a presentation by Sawvel & Associates on a proposed electrical system upgrade for the village, during Wednesday evening’s regular meeting.
The primary aspect of the upgrade would be the conversion of the current downtown feeder lines from 4 kV (kilovolt) to 12kV lines. The system currently has a combination of 4kV and 12kV lines throughout the village, served by two substations. Only one of the substations can supply the 4kV lines downtown.
Conversion of the electrical system to all 12kV lines would make the system more reliable and allow for simpler maintenance. The new feeder lines would have a higher capacity that would allow for the loads of any two feeder lines to be combined safely, to reduce outages during maintenance or any problems with the system. It would also allow the loads of the substations to be more evenly divided.
The current system has 94 transformers that can only operate at 4kV, so those will need to be replaced. The inspection also found that 57 poles on the 4kV system are due for replacement, out of the more than 600 poles present. An additional 161 poles are recommended for testing, for possible treatment or replacement.
The total cost estimate was $1,045,154, with the substation work contracted to outside companies and the line work being done by village workers. The estimate includes 10 percent added for contigency, so the final cost could come in at less than $1 million. The annual cost estimate for the project fits with the village’s current rate plan.
The estimated completion for the entire project is 2017.
Council heard and approved the recommendations from the Finance and Audit Committee on 2016 swimming pool rates. Season passes will remain the same for next summer, with the only change being a $10 discount for passes purchased before May 15. Daily rates will increase by 50 cents.
Council also approved the committee’s recommendation to contract with Medicount of EMS billing services. The current system is noncompliant with the new ICD-10 billing codes and changes in health insurance claim filing. The change will also increase the efficiency of the billing process, which currently requires duplication of data entry.
In other business, council:
• Approved a lease agreement for farming of village-owned property;
• Approved a replat for Kevin and Michelle Quinn;
• Approved the final plat for Jon Hefner, Chateau Subdivision;
• Heard the second reading of a resolution to contract with Wayne Township for emergency medical services; and
• Heard the second reading of a resolution to contract with the village of Russia for emergency medical services.
Council adjourned to executive session to discuss issues of real estate and village personnel.