GREENVILLE — Corning Retirees and former employees are invited to an evening of fellowship and entertainment Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. in the Brick Room of the Brethren Retirement Community. The musical group Harmony will provide the entertainment for the evening.
Harmony is a local quartet that came together in 1997 and performed through 2004 throughout the region at fairs, festivals, private parties, churches and retirement centers. Following a seven-year sabbatical, they reunited in 2011 and picked up where they left off. They are noted for their unique style of singing songs of the ’50s and ’60s, as well as patriotic, gospel and a little country. The groups members are Bill Drew, Terry Longfellow, Mike Royer and Bruce Shank.
As a service to the community this Christmas season, donations of food for the local Fish Pantry and toys for the Toys for Toddlers program will be collected that evening. Everyone is invited to participate in these sharing programs.