GREENVILLE — Thanks to those who graduated from Greenville High School 45 years ago, Greenville City Park will benefit from the class’s project, “GHS 71 Gives.”
The fund, according to classmate John Lindemuth, has been set up to replace broken picnic tables and/or provide help for maintenance as necessary. He also said the plan is to propose expenditures for purchase of goods or services and put the proposal to a vote of the contributors.
“Our interest in helping the park came about as a result of a Facebook posting by Keith Fitzwater that pictured and detailed damages done to picnic tables in Greenville’s City Park,” said Lindemuth when contacted. “All of the class members no doubt have fond memories of the park and that includes former classmates from around the United States. I spoke with Steve Willman and he came up with an idea that our class could develop a project to help the park. The project would include a designated account to which any interested parties could contribute funds and (eventually) a volunteer organization that would donate time and energy to helping out the city park. We envisioned this to take the form of a volunteer day of 1971 (and other years too) graduates of Greenville High School with an evening cook out to cap off the day.”
Willman, who resides in Greenville, and Lindemuth set up an account at Greenville National Bank with the help of fellow classmate Judy Campbell-Arnold and name the account and project “GHS ‘71 Gives,” based on a suggestion by classmate Cheryl Bower who resides in San Antonio, Texas.
“I spoke with Deb Berger, Greenville City Park manager, to get an idea of the level of interest she may have in our proposal,” Lindemuth said. “I was quite heartened by her enthusiasm for the fund and our suggestion of a volunteer day for undetermined date this summer. Further, I learned that Greenville’s City Park depends solely on volunteer help and community service help for all labor for park maintenance while the city of Greenville looks after the streets and mows the grass in the park. Based on this information, it was obvious that little funding is available for upgrades, equipment restoration or replacement. So, the need is clear and it is in the present that action must be taken to retain the high quality of the city park.”
According to Lindemuth, many people are very interested and concerned about the park and have voiced support for the project.
“This is long and I hope to list all those who’ve expressed interest: Tammy Gibson-Eicher, Suzy Baker, Keith Fitzwater, Cheryl Bower, Pamela Robinson-Mayor (and husband Bob), Kristopher Kuppin, Barbara Kohli, Holly Tryon, Donna Bennet, Judy Campbell-Arnold, Deb Berger and, of course, Steve Willman,” Lindemuth said. “Hopefully, I’ve not left anyone out, but sufficient to say that this shows a positive interest in the ‘GHS ‘71 Gives’ project and I hope this is the beginning of a long and useful addition to the efforts put forth for the city park.”
“The park strives on donations, grants and volunteers,” said Berger. “All are crucial and appreciated for the success of the parks. The generosity of the GHS Class of 1971 has been a pleasant surprise. It proves how much the parks are loved by this community. I look forward to working with the Class of 1971 to help fulfill the parks needs.”
Berger also reported the park has also received a band shell project donation from the GHS Class of 1955. This project will begin soon.
“It has been wonderful and exciting to hear from these past graduates,” Berger said. “The park board and myself would like to thank both the GHS Class of 1971 and 1955.”
Yes, “GHS 71 Gives” is officially a registered charity to which interested people can make tax- deductible contributions.
To contribute your tax deductible contribution, mail check to: GHS 71 Gives, 1021 Skylight Circle, Dayton, OH 45458-2058
“Make your check to ‘GHS 71 Gives’ and be sure to include your personal email address to receive a receipt for pertinent tax deductions and to be included in voting for use of the funds,” said Lindemuth, who plans to move back to the Greenville area soon. “Let’s fix the park!”