Preacher’s Point: Perplexity of nations


The terror attacks in Belgium have caused another firestorm of political leaders, news commentators, and the general public giving opinions on how to stop the growing threat of mass killings.

This problem of terrorism is a growing concern. Everyone has an opinion but does anyone have an answer?

Let’s take a look at some of the proposed responses to terrorism.

1. Let’s continue to live our lives. We will not show any fear. We will continue to go to restaurants, movies and sporting events. By living as we always have, we will show the terrorists our resolve; we will show them they did not win.

This reaction is fine and dandy and to some extent necessary, but put yourselves in the shoes of the terrorist for a minute. His goal is first to kill, second maim, and third; to insert fear into as many people as possible. Therefore, the “continuing to live our lives” approach does nothing to stop him from reaching his objective. This response to terrorism will do nothing to stop it.

2. We must infiltrate the nations where the terrorists come from and educate them on our way of thinking (you don’t kill people because they disagree with you). We must educate them to the western way of life and how wonderful it is that people of all faiths can live peaceably with one another.

It will not help to educate someone on your way of life when your way of life is a significant reason of why they want to kill you.

Even if re-education were possible, at best it will take several generations to accomplish. Can we wait for forty to one hundred years in the hope that this might work?

3. Let’s bomb them before they bomb us is another proposed solution. Bombing known headquarters may slow things down, but as we’ve seen recently, the attack may be being arranged by a couple in their living room (San Bernardino) or as in the case of Paris, a handful of guys with no real base of operation. Unlike a conventional war, there is no enemy front to attack or hill to take; it is more like a game of hide-and-seek with deadly consequences.

4. We will kill or capture the leaders and their followers will stop. On Dec. 7, 2015, The Washington Post printed an article claiming during President Obama’s time in office “Probably over 30,000” terrorists have been “taken out.” I’m sure there would be some leaders in that number. It seems like when we cut the head off the snake, it not only grows another head but hundreds of more snakes hatch.

There are dozens of more ideas on how to stop the terror machine, but these four are enough. Many ideas for preventing terrorism are nothing more than symbolic; others may put a kink in the armor of a terrorist network, but none seems to end the problem once and for all.

Christ said in Luke 21:25 that in the days shortly before His return the nations of the world would have problems they will not know how to solve, “and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity.”

Terrorism is only the beginning.

You may be thinking, “Preacher, this isn’t a message of hope you’re putting out here.”

In every story, there is a hero and a villain. In every story there comes a point where it looks like all is lost, but somehow, the good guy wins in the end.

God had the story of history planned out before He created the universe. God is the good guy; Satan is the villain. We are nearing the part of the story where all will appear lost. Because of many of the issues that plague us today, terrorism, looming economic collapse, human rights, social issues, the ecology and a slew of others, the Antichrist will rise to power. For a time, all will seem well, but then the bottom falls out, and it will appear that all hope is lost. It is at this point, Christ returns, literally on a white horse (Revelation 19:11), saves the day and establishes His Kingdom.

Matthew 24:8 gives us the words Jesus used to describe our present situation, “All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

Difficult times are ahead, but Christ will return and fix it all.

Our only message is the message of Jesus Christ. Our only message is the message of hope.

By Timothy Johnson

Preacher Johnson is pastor of Countryside Baptist Church in Parke County Indiana. Email: [email protected]. Website: E-book: If you email, inform me where you have seen Preacher’s Point. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.

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