Help support the Y’s mission with donation


As individuals and as community, we are fortunate to call Darke County home. We have available to us many outstanding resources that enrich our lives and that provide the opportunity to develop our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

One of these outstanding resources is the YMCA of Darke County, where each of these three areas of our lives can flourish and are indeed the essence of the YMCA focus in our communities …. that focus being “Youth Development ~ Healthy Living ~ Social Responsibility.”

For over 50 years, the YMCA of Darke County has been making a meaningful difference in the lives of community members through wellness programs, childcare, sports and camp experiences, swim lessons and water safety courses to thousands of kids, and character building opportunities for children and adults alike.

But perhaps the most meaningful difference the YMCA makes as a membership organization in our community is that the “Y is for everybody”. The YMCA is committed to making membership available to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay.

This inclusiveness approach to membership for everybody allows the YMCA to fulfill its mission of building strong kids, strong families and strong community’s right here in Darke County. I had the privilege and pleasure to observe first hand this mission in action during my tenure as Executive Director of the YMCA of Darke County from 2003 to 2009; and I am happy to see that the commitment to this mission remains as strong today as it was then.

The commitment to keeping membership and program fees affordable for those in need is made possible through the family financial assistance program which is supported by the generosity of YMCA members and community partners with funds raised through the YMCA Annual Support Campaign.

This year’s annual campaign is in full swing; and today, we all have the opportunity to help other members of our community enjoy the YMCA experience and to demonstrate in a tangible way that we are for what the YMCA is about.

Over the course of the campaign as you may be approached; please join me with your financial support: For Youth Development ~ For Healthy Living ~ For Social Responsibility.

Brian Condon

YMCA of Darke County Executive Director (2003-2009)

Brian Condon

YMCA of Darke County Executive Director (2003-2009)