The Amish Cook: Gloria serves up a summer treat


Editor’s Note: Opinions and theology regarding photography vary greatly among the Amish church. Gloria’s church, the New Order Amish, tend to not object to photography as much. But even among the New Order there are differences in opinion and interpretation. Gloria’s church is one of the more open Amish churches I have encountered on the issue of photography. While at the other end of the spectrum I’ve run into very conservative Amish (Swartzentrubers) wouldn’t even permit me to photograph their tomato plants. Most Amish fall someplace in the middle. While Gloria’s church has a permissive attitude towards being photographed, their church discourages members owning cameras. — Kevin Williams, Editor

Is there anything better at the close of a hot summer day than a bowl of homemade ice cream? Mmmm, I can almost taste it as I write. Regular store bought ice cream is okay, but I’d choose the homemade any day.

Homemade ice cream goes hand-in-hand with these scorching summer days in southern Illinois. No matter how often you have homemade ice cream, it is always a treat.

My dad has always had a knack for knowing exactly how much water, salt, and ice is needed, thus freezing the ice cream in what seems like record speed. Amazingly enough he once managed to freeze a quart hand-cranked freezer of ice cream in seven minutes. Yes, that is right, unreal as it may seem. I was only seven years old but I remember hearing my mom exclaim over the amazing feat.

Today I would like to introduce you to one of my very favorite ice cream flavors, blueberry cheesecake. I’ll give you a warning up front: Don’t expect to stop with only one serving, it’s no easy decision to quit after taking just a bite or two.

Last fall I made it for my mother’s 50th birthday party when we were all together as a family. She loved it.

Blueberries have always been at the top of my list of favorite fruits. What is handier than having plenty of homemade blueberry pie filling on your shelves of canned goods ready for a pie or some other tasty treat?

An Amish family nearby has a blueberry patch where we have picked blueberries countless times over the years. And owners have always assured us that we can eat as many as we want while we pick.

When I was 16 years old several of my younger siblings and I took our pony and cart to the blueberry patch to pick blueberries for mom. After picking and bagging the blueberries we wanted, we untied the pony in preparation to go home. It was then that a non-Amish lady politely asked for permission to take pictures, which I consented. After taking snapshots she offered to take our mailing address and send them. I thought it sounded interesting and gave my consent once more.

A few weeks passed and I was excited one day to discover an envelope with pictures in the mailbox. As I read the note I was amused and bewildered. It said: “Dear Gloria, here are the pictures of you and your children.”

Me…a mother? Are you kidding me? I guess I looked older than 16 or maybe she was going by maturity, mom joked.

At any rate it gave us a good chuckle.

Now, for the blueberry ice cream. I’ll give you the recipe that I use which fills a six quart freezer. You can divide it into smaller batches and even make it in a blender using frozen milk cubes to thicken it and drink it smoothie style. Enjoy this special treat on a hot day.



Editor’s Note: I spoke with Gloria about the raw eggs in this recipe. The USDA advises against the consumption of raw eggs. Use this recipe at your own risk. Gloria did say that this recipe can be made without the eggs and it will turn out just fine, the eggs, she said, serve to add “body” to the ice cream, you get a thicker, more custardy ice cream. — Kevin Williams, Editor

1 1/2 cups sugar

8 ounces cream cheese (softened)

6 eggs (beaten)

1 6 ounce package instant vanilla pudding

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups cream

6 cups milk

3 cups blueberry pie filling

Crumbs: 3/4 sleeve of crushed graham crackers, 1 tablespoon sugar, 6 tablespoons butter, melted

Beat cream cheese and sugar together and then add eggs, pudding, salt, vanilla, and cream. Blend well and then add milk and pie filling. Freeze in six quart freezer. Add crumbs when finished, turning a few times to mix in the crumbs.

Note: I prefer to replace the pudding with the same amount of instant clear-gel, to cut back on the artificial sweetening. Clear-gel is a thickener that can be found in many Amish bulk food stores.

By Gloria Yoder

The Amish Cook

Gloria is Amish and lives in a rural horse and buggy settlement in Illinois. Readers with questions or comments can write to Gloria at PO BOX 157, Middletown, Ohio 45042. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.

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