New Madison News: It’s time for hearts, flowers


It is the “hearts and flowers” time of year. Valentine’s Day is looming and commercialism has invested in this day set aside to show love.

There will be floral arrangements, dinner reservations and boxes of chocolate. A simpler time in my memory was making a box (usually a shoe box) with decorations to use for collecting valentines from classmates. It was a good day.

Maybe taking the simpler road this year would make it a pleasant experience. Send cards to shut-ins, family members and friends, near and far, but especially those living a distance away. Everyone enjoys a card in the mail. E mail is nice and modern but a valentine opened and with a special signature can bring smiles for several days.

I am not dismissing a nice dinner. And the American Legion is offering a “Sweetheart Supper” on Feb. 18. Serving begins at 5 p.m.

The good news section includes a 66-year-love match as Wilson and Phyllis Bunger recently celebrated a wedding anniversary. Wilson will share a story about catsup.

Also Macy Fraylick of Miami University made her parents, Cindy and Matt Fraylick, proud when she was included on the president’s academic list.

Applause, applause for the new National Honor Society members at Tri-Village. Inductees included Jared Quigney and Carson Shahan, seniors; Kara Hollinger, junior; Lauren Flory, Julia Mellott, Kloey Murphy, Edie Morris and Peyton Bietry, sophomores.

Park National Corporation of Newark has named Matt Miller as its executive vice president. Currently the Granville resident is senior vice president and chief accounting officer. The son of Nancy and Don Miller of New Madison, Matt is a Tri-Village graduate, and he graduated summa cum laude from the University of Akron. His wife, Alison, graduated from Greenville and the couple has two sons.

By Shirley Dubbs

New Madison News

Shirley Dubbs is a volunteer citizen columnist, who serves The Daily Advocate readers weekly with her New Madison column. She can be reached at [email protected]. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.

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