DARKE COUNTY – Registration for the Darke County Soccer Association’s 2017 spring rec soccer program is now open.
The spring rec soccer program is open to boys and girls 3 to 14 years old. The season will run the week of April 3 through May 13 with all practices and games to be held at the Darke County Fairgrounds.
To be eligible for early bird registration, applications must be postmarked by March 27. The cost of early bird registration is $40 per child or $35 per child if two or more siblings register at the same time.
After the conclusion of early bird registration the cost will be $50 per child with no sibling discounts and no shirt size choice guaranteed.
For those interested in registering, printable flyers/registration forms are available at www.darkecountysoccer.com under the Announcements section.
For more information, contact Sam Grim at 937-417-1654.