DARKE COUNTY — ‘Tis the season for young children to be hyped up about those Easter egg hunts, and there are quite a few being planned again this year, according to some reported to The Daily Advocate.
A free Easter egg hunt for children age birth through fourth grade, sponsored by the EUM Church in Greenville, will take place this Saturday at the Darke County Fairgrounds at the soccer fields off Eidson Road at Gate 6.
Cashmax in Greenville is planning an Easter egg hunt for the community this Sunday. It will be from 1 to 3 p.m. at the park behind Kroger’s. Expecting a good turnout, they are having games, free food and the bunny. The egg hunt is first and then games and food will follow.
Pleasant View Missionary Church will be hosting two community egg hunts at the park in Gettysburg as well as the Pitsburg Park. These will be held at 11 a.m. this Saturday. A free hot dog stand will also be offered during the event – at the north ball diamonds in Gettysburg and at the firehouse in Pitsburg. This will be a fun family day for all. For questions, call the church at 937/447-4885 or visit their website at http://www.pleasantviewmc.org.
The Ansonia Community Extravaganza will be conducted from noon to 3 p.m. April 15 at the FFA greenhouse on the school grounds. Featured, in addition to the Easter egg hunt, will be Bouncy Houses, food, candy, activities and a visit from the Easter Bunny. This event is provided free by the Ansonia FFA, Ansonia American Legion, Ansonia United Methodist Church and Ansonia First Church of God.
Arcanum Community Easter Egg Hunt is set for April 15 and will be hosted by Faith United Methodist Church and FHC Fellowship for children of the Arcanum Community up through the fourth grade. The hunt will be in Ivester Park at 2 p.m. They plan is to hold the hunt “rain or shine” (assuming no downpours or snow). Children should bring an Easter basket in which to collect their eggs. The eggs will have individually wrapped pieces of candy in them. There will also be a limited number of special prize eggs. Refreshments will be provided after the egg hunt. If there are questions, contact Tom Fourman at 692-5290 or the Faith church office at 692-8934 (office hours are 9 a.m. to noon).