It’s time to watch for busy roads as farm equipment moves throughout the area. They take plenty of room but drivers are watching for traffic. It is always a good time of year when crops are planted and we renew our agricultural heritage.
It is also time for alumni gatherings. Here the New Madison and Tri-Village Alumni banquet is set for Saturday, May 20. Every year the committee hopes for a big turnout. It is time to catch up on news from former classmates. The honored classes are 1942, l967, l992 and 2017. If you did not receive a card, go to www.trivillagealumni. org.
You can contact Monyca Schlechty at 937-996-5282. You can send a check and reservation to Monyca at 106 Union St., New Madison. It is $15.50 per meal. The deadline is May 15. Registration is at 4 p.m., allowing visiting time. Appetizers will be served from 4:30 to 5:30 and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Delight Catering will serve the meal.
Julie Dafler Day has been announced at the New Madison Public Library. Julie is retiring Friday, May 5, and you are encouraged to stop in and say “thanks” for 32 years of service. Enjoy a cookie as Julie enjoys her special day.
The final day to return the survey for the library is approaching. April 30 is the final day of collection. Be sure and have input into the library’s future direction. The summer reading program is scheduled June 5 to July 28. Mark the calendar because time moves so quickly and fun programming is going to help fill those summer hours. A solar eclipse event will take place August 21. Beginning in May you can say hello to John Wise, retired teacher, who is joining the library staff.
Looks like a new business will soon be opening in town. Lots of activity at the “Firpo” location.
This month’s congratulations: The Post 245 American Legion and Unit 245 American Legion Auxiliary always is busy with positive community activity. Certificates for outstanding contributions were given to Dorothy Shively, 20 years; Mary Straszheim, five years; and Dora Jane Waymire, 20 years.