GREENVILLE — A new treatment facility is being discussed for Darke County, to possibly be located in the County Home, in Greenville.
Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services Executive Director Mark McDaniel said there has been some discussion with the Darke County Commission about the potential purpose of the Darke County Home and the idea of it becoming a “Centralized Service Facility”.
“Recovery and Wellness (Centers of Midwest Ohio) would transmission some of their outpatient mental health and addiction services into the building, and we would have both mental health and substance – abuse beds. We will have substance – abuse beds designed to address substance abuse issues, and mental health beds, for folks with mental illnesses,” he said.
The Hodge Group, a private consulting firm of Dublin, Ohio, is helping the Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services do a feasibility study, according to McDaniel.
“If the result from the study shows interest, they can help us raise private dollars for a facility,” McDaniel said.
McDaniel said the feasibility study should be done yet this spring, then an engineer and architect Freytag & Associates, Inc., of Sidney, Ohio will look at the facility to determine the condition.
“I think in the best possible situation that could happen at this point, is we could potentially purchase the building by the end of the year, but the Tri-County Board of Directors has not authorized any negations for purchase,” McDaniel said. “If it is purchased, some major remodeling needs to happen.”
During an April 24 Darke County Commission meeting, Chairman Michael W. Rhoades said the county plans to fund both the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) upgrades and the MARCS radio system by freeing up funds through the sale of the Darke County Home to the Tri-County Board of Mental Health. Arrangements have already been made to re-home the 20 or so residents currently living there, according to Rhoades.
“We don’t know when that will happen and will take time to make sure everyone is cared for,” Rhoades said.
He said the county pays $500,000 per year to operate the County Home, money which can be diverted to other county costs.