Quilters, crafters welcome at the 2018 Darke County Fair


DARKE COUNTY – For amateur crafters who want to exhibit their handmade items or antiques at the 2018 Darke County Fair, the Domestic Arts Department has more than 200 categories from which to choose.

One item per category up to 25 items is allowed. The items are judged with ribbons and premiums given for the top three entries in each category. There also is a category for Darke County professionals, for exhibit only.

The rules, category lists and entry times are available at the Fair Secretary’s Office or online at www.darkecountyfair.com. No preregistration is necessary, simply bring items to the Domestic Arts building from noon to 8 p.m. Aug. 15 or from 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 16. Individuals must be available to claim their items from 1 to 5 p.m. Aug. 26. No exceptions to entry and release times. A 2018 fair ticket in the exhibitor’s name is required for entry. A 50-year anniversary pass or a 4-H pass for exhibitors over 11 years old are not accepted for entry.

Review the categories available, prior to entry, to ensure there is a suitable category for each item brought. Categories are changed year to year, especially in the antique class, so check the 2018 category list.

Questions may be directed to the Fair Office at 548-5044, manager Betsy Nisonger at 423-0047 or secretary Cathy Retterbush at 692-5634.

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