A Grandparent’s Voice: Thoughts of love


Bump ba da da, (one note down) bump ba da da, (another note down) bump ba da da, (up one note) bump ba da da. Oh, come on, you know the song. I’ll just bet you played it over and over. My friend Vivian and I played this duet so often that I’m sure the piano could have played it by itself. We sang it in the car. We sang it with our friends. The sound is immediately recognized. Oh, yes …

Heart and soul, I fell in love with you

Heart and soul, the way a fool would do, madly

Because you held me tight

And stole a kiss in the night – Hoagy Carmichael

Valentine’s Day. Ah, the love that pours from our hearts for our loved ones. Candy, flowers, little tokens and mementos of the love we embrace in our hearts. (At this point if you were here in this room, you would hear the screech of the needle flying across the record. Scratch!!!!) Wait a minute!!!! My love does not come from my heart. It is really centered in the brain. My brain may tell my heart to beat a little faster and my palms to become sweaty, but it is the brain not the heart that sends those messages. All the heart does is keep the blood pumping while our brains embrace thoughts of love. They hold memories of loved ones. They know what love is because they create the feelings. That darn heart just pumps and pumps while the brain takes on the great task of love.

I realize that a brain posted on cards or sweet verses about the brain are not necessarily pleasing; however, maybe through a contest, we could find a lovely symbol of the true keeper of love. I can see it now. Songs about the yearning brain, a brain burning with love, a brain that you are willing to give away on Valentine’s Day. Ah, yes, it makes my heart, er brain, sing.

However, you would think the brain could be a little smarter in helping you not to make mistakes in love. And, maybe it does with whatever side of the brain is saying this must be love, the other side is saying not so fast! You would think that the brain would make infatuation impossible where instead it makes the heart beat faster and that rush of blood that blinds the tender heart, er brain. Ah, it is something to ponder. And, as usual, I ponder the ridiculous.

As you can see, this transition from heart to brain is a bit difficult. It was in medieval times that the heart shape came into being, so we will have a long time to change the concept of brain over heart. I close with this:

Bump ba da da, (one note down) bump ba da da, (another note down) bump ba da da, (up one note) bump ba da da. Brain and soul, I fell in love with you.

Sending love to you on Valentine’s Day. Love from my … oh, well.


By Pamela Loxley Drake

A Grandparent’s Voice

Pamela Loxley Drake is a former resident of Darke County and is the author of Neff Road and A Grandparent Voice blog. She can be reached at [email protected]. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.

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