DAR’s national honors


GREENVILLE – Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution recently learned from the National Daughters of the American Revolution’s 128th Continental Congress Conference held in Washington, D.C. the chapter has several national recognitions, including attaining Chapter Achievement Level 1 for 2018.

Commemorative Events Committee, second place for East Central Division for Various Commemorative Events, Fort GreeneVille Chapter Chair-Debbie Nisonger

Constitution Week Committee-National Recognition for a Chapter with a proclamation from a city mayor and the county commissioners, Fort GreeneVille Chapter Chair-Brenda Arnett

National Defense Committee- East Central Division for an Outstanding Program, Fort GreeneVille Chapter Chair-Michelle Alderman

Public Relations and Media Committee: Print Media—first place East Central Division and first place National, Public Relations and Media Committee-Electronic Coverage—first place East Central Division and first place National, Public Relations and Media Committee-Broadcast Coverage—first place East Central Division and third place National, Fort GreeneVille Chapter Chair-Debbie Nisonger

Fort GreeneVille Chapter extends its thanks to the community and local media outlets for helping Fort GreeneVille Chapter be a successful chapter.

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