Jackson Friendship names officers


UNION CITY – Jackson Friendship 4-H Club’s final meeting of 2019 was held on Nov. 25 at the Mississinawa Valley Concession Area.

The meeting was called to order by Kylee Winner. Members said the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H pledge. Then they answered the roll call question, “Do you have a veteran in your family? If so, who is it?”

New officers elected at the last meeting were introduced: President Kylee Winner, Vice President Emma Barga, Secretary Molly Barga, Treasurer Makenna Hoggatt, Reporter Camryn Winner, Devotions Cora Hoggatt, and Health and Safety Wyatt Stump.

4-H certificates and pins were passed out and members were reminded that if they haven’t already done so, they should send out thank you notes as soon as possible.

In new business, members signed up for committees, and premier 4-H member and county medal forms were passed out.

Camryn Winner, reporter

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