March, a welcome change

Did you plan an extra event, do more reading or visit with friends during our extra calendar day because we are experiencing leap year. February gave us the extra day to clean closets, shampoo carpets with winter tracks or even attack the refrigerator with hidden containers at the back of shelves.

A whole day was added to the February calendar but chances are most of us moved through the day without fanfare or accomplishing something special.

How often we remark, “If only I had more time I would ……..”

Putting February behind us, we can look forward to exciting basketball, intermittent days of sunshine and fewer school delays. March is welcome because it means winding down on bleak weather days, the return of friends from Florida and other points south, and the hint of turning soil and sowing seeds.

The local Boy Scouts are engaged with the Scouting for Food project again this March. Troop 96 will be taking donations of food to help families needing assistance.

You will see donation barrels at the New Madison Public Library and New Madison Supermarket. These non perishable donations will help local food banks. The contents will be collected on March 14 and taken to the Fort Jefferson United Methodist Church and other local points of distribution.

Troop 96 will partner with Pack 149 on March 7 to place tags or bags on doorknobs throughout Palestine, Hollansburg and Wayne Lakes. You then have a week to pick up extra items at the grocery to help the Scouts “To help other people at all times.”

Join the effort and support the Scouts in this annual food drive.

The New Madison United Methodist Church has a new worship schedule. The service will begin at 9:30 a.m. and welcomes everyone.

The Methodist churches of the area are combining special

services with Maundy Thursday at Fort Jefferson this year. Ash Wednesday services were at Eldorado. Each church will have its own Easter morning worship.

The newest book club is still hoping to have additional attendance at the meetings scheduled for l p.m. on March 5 and l p.m. on April 2. The Joyful Read centers on spiritually uplifting material. If you are interested in sharing an hour, consider checking it out. There continues to be the Page Turners Book Club at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month and Femme Fatale Book Club at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. You are always welcome.

Kindergarten students attending Tri-Village School should be registering now for the 2020-21 year. The child must be age 5 by August l.

Stop by the elementary office with birth certificate and immunization record. The hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you can’t schedule those hours then contact the elementary office at 937-996-1511.

Students will be enjoying an early release at l:15 p.m. on March 10.

Looking ahead, another early release date is April, which begins the spring break through April 5. Students will be into the final quarter of this academic year when enjoying the spring break. Wow! Another school year! Where was that extra day this year?

By Shirley Dubbs

New MadisonNews

Shirley Dubbs is a volunteer citizen columnist, who serves The Daily Advocate readers weekly with her New Madison column. She can be reached at [email protected]. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.