OAGC awards and farewell

The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Inc. honored garden club members throughout the state with three members from Darke County receiving high awards.

Kim Cromwell was the winner of the “OAGC Gardener of the Year Award”, the highest honor to be presented to any gardener in the state. In past years, Kim has severed the state organization as chairmanships in Junior Garden Clubs, Nature and Conservation, Membership, Convention chairperson and recently became an accredited Judge for OAGC.

OAGC presents the Citation Award yearly for someone who has contributed much to the aims of OAGC. I was honored to be selected for this award. The Faye Collins Designers of the Year contest honors individuals for having designs selected by a committee for best in a series of classes. I was presented 1st in Creative Designs and 2nd in Holiday and Special Occasions Design.

Audrey Allread, member of the Butterflies Junior Garden Club, granddaughter to Kim and my great granddaughter, received 1st place in Traditional and 3rd in Creative Designs Classes.

Over the past 20 plus years Along the Garden Path has been a volunteer column in this paper. We have shared many new plant varieties, we’ve talked about all kinds of vegetables in the garden, care for each, recipes, canning and freezing. We have shared our favorite annuals and perennials and how to maintain them. We have tried to keep the reader up-to-date with new plants for your landscape.

We’ve talked maintenance for houseplants, herbs, birds, and animals that destroy the garden. We’ve also attempted to share anything readers wanted to know. We had humor with the several readings, mainly ‘Dumb and Dumber’. Many gardening poems were shared along with me, so just good reading!

We shared many trips but enjoyed sharing the Magnolia Market, Grand Canyon, and Pioneer Woman’s The Merc Store in Pawhuska,OK., the most.

We have highlighted certain gardeners for their outstanding contributions to the community. You have read about what the Butterflies Junior Garden Club and Ladybug Garden Club were doing with their projects, programs and community gardens. The Darke County Fair Flower shows were covered highlighting the special 50-60 and 65 years anniversaries as a flower department. We had highlights of my parents and their gardening days and you were with me at their passing.

Thanks to you who have responded with positive comments, asked questions and praises; all was appreciated as I’ve enjoyed sharing my gardening path with you.

So, on a good note with the awards from OAGC, it’s time for this column to end.

I want to thank Donn, my proof reader all of those years, and the helpful gardener in my life.

Please keep your Garden Path a never ending journey of life, hope and happiness.

Thank you…the end.


Shown from left to right are Kim Cromwell, Audrey Allread, and Charlene Thornhill. All received awards from the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs.
https://www.dailyadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/web1_IMG_2930.jpgShown from left to right are Kim Cromwell, Audrey Allread, and Charlene Thornhill. All received awards from the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs. Provided photo

By Charlene Thornhill

Along the Garden Path

Charlene Thornhill is a volunteer citizen columnist, who serves The Daily Advocate readers weekly with her community column Along the Garden Path. She can be reached at [email protected]. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author. The Daily Advocate does not endorse these viewpoints or the independent activities of the author.