Versailles FFA Members of the Month selected


VERSAILLES — At the September Versailles FFA meeting, the chapter played softball against St. Henry FFA and announced the September FFA members of the month. Molly White-Shappie, Paige Gehret, and Eden Barga were selected as the FFA Members of the Month.

White-Shappie was selected as a Versailles FFA member of the Month. She is a sophomore and a second year member of the Versailles FFA. She has participated in the Soup and Sandwich social, National FFA Week Activities, Omelet Breakfast, PALS, Family Farm Safety Program, State FFA Convention, Farm Day, Greenhouse Open House, Poultry Days tent, Beef and Pork tent, Ag is Cool tent, attended FFA Camp, Versailles Senior Citizens Birthday Party, monthly meetings, and more. Her SAE is landscaping and garden at her home. She is the daughter of Brandi White-Shappie and granddaughter of Betty Shappie. White-Shappie received a t-shirt and certificate for being named FFA Member of the Month.

Gehret was also selected as a Versailles FFA member of the Month. She is a freshman and second year member of the Versailles FFA. Gehret has competed in Greenhand Quiz, Parliamentary Procedure and General Livestock Judging. She’s participated in monthly meetings, Omelet Breakfast, Eagle’s Breakfast, Adopt a Highway program, FFA fruit sales, CDE luncheon, Poultry Days tent, Fall Harvest Sale and Shop and Crop at the Darke County Fair. Paige’s SAE includes growing and harvesting from her pumpkin patch, and she serves as an assistant officer. She is the daughter of Gary and Jill Gehret. Gehret received a t-shirt and certificate for being named FFA Member of the Month.

Barga was the final Versailles FFA member of the Month named. She is a freshman and second year member of the Versailles FFA. She has competed in the Greenhand Quiz and Parliamentary Procedure. She participated in National FFA Week Activities, Omelet Breakfast, Farm Day, CDE luncheon, FFA Fruit Sales, Fall Harvest Sale, Poultry Days tent, Ag is Cool tent, and monthly meetings. Her SAE is milking and showing dairy goats. She is also an assistant officer. She is the daughter of Michael and Gwen Barga. Barga received a t-shirt and certificate for being named FFA member of the month.

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