Local Briefs


Birthday in a Box

ARCANUM — The Arcanum FCCLA is hosting a Birthday-in-a-Box drive through Jan. 6, 2023.

Birthday-in-a-Box is a shoe box wrapped with birthday paper and filled with birthday items. Once they get these boxes filled, they are going to donate them to nearby food pantries for those who do not get proper birthday celebrations.

Arcanum FCCLA is asking for shoe boxes, candles, boxed cake mixes, sprinkles, icing, birthday wrapping paper, kid friendly stickers, birthday decorations, toys, crayons, colored pencils, coloring books, etc. They cannot accept used or opened items, violent toys, knives, guns, etc., religious items, electronics, DVDs, computer games, etc., gift cards, stuffed animals, clothing or candy.

Please bring items to the Arcanm High School office. Monetary gifts are also accepted.

Bradford BOE Meets

BRADFORD — The Bradford Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, Dec. 20, 760 Railroad Ave., Bradford. The public is invited to watch using the information on the district website, www.Bradford.k12.oh.us. Any person wishing to address the board must contact the superintdent no later than 1 p.m. on Tuesday of the meeting. The regular session will be followed by an executive session, if necessary, as provided by law.

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