By Meladi Brewer
GREENVILLE — The Darke County Commissioners met Thursday to discuss sealed bids for the runway at the Darke County Airport. Commissioners Larry Homes and Marshall Combs were present.
The commissioners opened one sealed bid for the Rehabilitation Runway 9/21 project at the Darke County Airport in Versailles.
“The grant we are going to receive is just pretty much preventative maintenance to keep the runways in good condition, and what is going to be done is going to last longer than a typical sealing,” Darke County Airport Manager Scott Knoss said.
The seal is intended to seal the runway in a way that will extend the life and give it seven to eight years opposed to three to four. Commissioner Holmes said it was a nice surprise to be awarded the grant needed for the project.
Sunesis Construction Co., of West Chester, was the sole bidder with a project total of $326,075. This compares to the $305,000 engineer’s estimate provided by Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly Inc. The commissioners approved the bid to be accepted as received pending a recommendation of the engineer.
Carla E. Allen with Job and Family Services then spoke on a presented contract between Darke County Department of Job and Family Services and Nesco Resource. This contract is for the purchase and services to provide for the work experience payroll for eligible youth (ages 14 – 24), per submitted proposal.
“This contract is basically a renewal,” Allen said. “The contract language is the same, and the only thing that has changed are the dates and the address for the contract that was updated.”
Allen said they are designated by the workforce board to operate the CCMEP TANF and WIOA Youth Work Experience program, and through the program, they are able to offer eligible participants work experience opportunities.
“Basically that is structured through to increase opportunities for individuals, particularly those with barriers for employment. It’s about giving them experience in a real world job,” Allen said.
Nesco Resources, whom Job and Family Services is entering the contract with, is a payroll administrative component to their program.
“Our agency determines the eligibility for participants, and this vendor is going to process the payroll side,” Allen said.
The contract agreement will be effective May 1, 2023 and will expire April 30, 2025. Allen advised Nesco’s rates have not increased since they utilized them over the last two years from the prior contract.
The Darke County Board of Commissioners meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at their office located at 520 S. Broadway Street in Greenville. To contact the office, call 937-547-7370.
To contact Daily Advocate Reporter Meladi Brewer, email [email protected].