Winner and Bohman earn honors


VERSAILLES — At the April FFA meeting the new assistant officers for the 2023-2024 school year and the April FFA members of the month were announced. Reagan Winner and Jace Bohman were selected as Versailles FFA members of the month.

Winner was the first member announced. She is the daughter of Dan and Patty Winner, a senior, and a fifth year member of the FFA. Winner has participated in fruit sales, monthly meetings, Toy Drive, Veterans Program, National FFA Convention, Shop and Crop, Agronomy CDE, Greenhand Conference, Fall Harvest Sale, Farm Day, State FFA Convention, Banquet, and more. Her SAE consists of working for DL Winner Livestock Express Inc., and she has served as the chapter’s secretary.

Bohman was the second member announced. He is the son of Mike Bohman and Janelle Whittaker; he is a freshman, and two year member of the FFA. He has participated in monthly meetings, Beef and Pork Tent, Greenhand Conference, Fruit Sales, Soup and Sandwich Social, Greenhand Quiz CDE, Omelet Breakfast, Banquet, Farm Day, Canned Food Drive, and more. Jace’s SAE consists of working with Hens and Pullets.

Winner and Bohman received a T-shirt and certificate for being named April members of the month.

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