FOFJ meeting open to the public


GREENVILLE — The Friends of Fort Jefferson’s (FOFJ) next meeting is open to the public and will be on Thursday, May 18, 6:30 p.m., at Shawn Prairie Nature Education Center.

They will be displaying a newspaper from Dec. 16, 1793 that was donated to be placed in the interpretive center when it is built. The newspaper was given to FOFJ by Greg Shipley of Wayne’s Legion Research Group. The newspaper contains Anthony Wayne’s account of Lowrey’s defeat bringing supplies from Fort St. Clair to Fort Jefferson.

Two orders of business will be an update on progress retaining a grant with help from Congressman Warren Davidson and plans to do another archaeology dig on FOFJ’s 17-acres and hoping to show where St. Clair’s army camped while building Fort Jefferson.

Janet Rhoades, FOFJ secretary, has done a wonderful job during the difficult groundwork times of establishing bylaws, 501 (C)3 designation, website and record keeping. She has retired.

Dana Heck, a member of DAR, who has worked as an archaeologist, has accepted the task of being the new FOFJ secretary.

Rhoades will be missed and welcome Heck.

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