Ernst brothers take the field together for the first time


By Drew Terhall

GREENVILLE — It’s always special when siblings can play on the same team together. They get to share the same experiences and make memories with their family.

For some, that time never comes. Or, it doesn’t happen until Alumni Day.

At Greenville’s soccer Alumni Day, the Ernst brothers got a chance to share Harmon Field together on the same team for the first time.

Father and Greenville girls soccer head coach Dave Ernst said all of his boys played soccer since they were three. With the age differences, they weren’t able to play organized soccer together.

To Dave, it was a nice moment for his boys to share the field after each of their Greenville careers.

“This is the first time in 23 years of soccer they’ve been able to play on the same team. It’s kind of cool,” Dave said.

The oldest brother, Jordan, last played for Greenville in 2015. The middle brother, Addison, last played in 2018. The youngest brother, Avery, wrapped up his senior season last season.

For Avery, the only time he was on the same field as his older brothers in an organized game was at Alumni day competing against them. This time around, he got to join them on the Alumni side.

“It was always fun playing against them when they were playing on the alumni team and I was on the high school team. It was a little bit different playing together for once. I enjoyed it, it was fun,” Avery said.

Jordan said he and Addison got to share a field in high school for a little bit. But, he wasn’t sure if he would get to play with Avery since he is seven years older.

All three knew this would be their only chance to all play together. For Addison, he had a small doubt it would happen as Jordan got older. But, he was happy to able to hang out with his brothers for this event.

“I didn’t know if my older brother was going to do it since he had a kid, got that dad bod,” Addison jokingly said. “But, it was good to play with everybody and see that all of us can still play together and not be distant as some siblings get.”

After years of playing around the house, they enjoyed being able to play in a more organized event together. Addison said it was a great time and hopes to keep it going for the next few years.

They all agreed when they think back to their memories of playing against or with each other, this one ranks up there.

“It’s definitely one of the top ones. I’ve always thought this is going to be the only opportunity for us to play with each other against another team. I’m ranking it high up there,” Jordan said.

Contact Daily Advocate sports editor Drew Terhall at [email protected]

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