Council learns Dunkin is still coming


By Ryan Berry

GREENVILLE — Speculation as to whether Dunkin Donuts was backing out or still coming to Greenville was cleared up during the Sept. 5 meeting of Greenville City Council.

During a report on the Greenville Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) Councilman Jeff Whitaker suggested the Dunkin Donuts proposed building project had been pushed back to 2024. He was quickly corrected by Safety Service Director Ryan Delk who stated equipment and materials needed have started arriving at the lot on Wagner Avenue. He noted the property had been staked out on Tuesday.

Delk said the company had previously delayed the start of the new restaurant because of a change in strategy due to the economy. Construction was originally delayed due to supply chain issues and trying to get the equipment needed for the store. Recently, Delk said the company was delayed due to inflation and higher interest rates. Typically, the company that is building the restaurant tried to build seven or eight new stores a year. Because of higher costs, they are now down to approximately five new stores a year.

The Daily Advocate/The Early Bird reached out to Dunkin Donuts for comment and a timeline but had not received a comment.

Council approved legislation to accept the bid of America’s Decorative Concrete (ADC) to complete Phase 1 of the Sidewalk Project. Delk said the city received two bids with ADC coming in with lowest bid at $545,077. The company can begin work once the paperwork is signed. They will have until April 2024 to finish the job. Delk and Mayor Steve Willman believe approximately 40 business/homeowners chose to repair the sidewalks. The owners had until a specific date to declare their intentions to do the work themself. Some of those propety owners have been given extensions to complete the project due to the inavailability of contractors.

Property owners with nuisance issues will see an increase in the cost for the city to perform services. Council agreed to raise the cost for services rendered in cutting and destroying noxious weeks and removing litter from $150 an hour to $200 an hour. Councilman Clarence Godwin asked Delk if that was enough of an increase. Delk believes it will cover the city’s cost. The property owner will pay $200 per hour for each part of an hour. For example, if the work takes 15 minutes, the cost is $200. If the work takes an hour and a half, the cost is $400. “We don’t want to be in the business of mowing yards,” said Delk. Godwin agreed and said, “You want to deter people.”

Delk shared the city recently received a $1 million Small Cities Grant to aid in the Sweitzer Street project that is expected to begin during the 2028 Fiscal Year. The city previously received a $3.8 million grant. According to Delk, the city needs to come up with $8.1 million to complete the project.

In other business, council:

* Learned the Boy Scout Camporee is returning to the Greenville City Park on Oct. 20-22;

* Learned the city continues to wait for the traffic light poles to finish the North Ohio Street project; and

* Learned the city held a pre-construction meeting with contractor for the State Route 502 project and construction is expected to begin Oct. 1.

The next regular meeting of Greenville City Council will be Tuesday, Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers, Municipal Building.

To contact Daily Advocate Editor Ryan Berry, email [email protected].

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