Veterans Day Parade and Chocolate Walk


GREENVILLE – Saturday, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. There will be a Veterans Day Ceremony beginning at 11 a.m. and a parade immediately following. Along with the Veterans Day Celebration the Fall Chocolate Walk is also on Nov. 11, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. The downtown shopping district welcomes everyone downtown to partake in the festivities and start their holiday shopping.

The City of Greenville is happy to announce that The American Legion Post 140 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony in front of the Courthouse starting at 11 a.m., once the church bells have rung. Mayor Steve Willman will give the opening remarks. The ceremony will include an Invocation, Flag Raising, National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, Wreath Laying, Gun Salute, Taps, Benediction, and will host a guest speaker, Dr. Dana Robinson-Street, the CEO of Leading Our Leaders.

The Daughters of the American Revolution Fort GreeneVille Chapter will have donuts and coffee available in front of Greenville National Bank. The 2023 Veterans Day Parade, hosted by Darke County Veterans Services, will immediately follow the ceremony and make its way down Broadway through the shopping district. These activities serve to honor all our veterans with a patriotic theme.

The American Legion Post 140 is hosting a bean soup luncheon and invites the public to attend. The luncheon is held immediately after the parade until 2 p.m. or until supplies are depleted.

Greenville students will be writing letters to veterans and creating posters to hang downtown, and the High School Art students will be hosting a patriotic face painting station at Four Twenty Three. These community organizations have come together to honor all our veterans and invite the community to join them downtown. Come honor our veterans and feel free to also write a few letters and create a patriotic poster to display during the parade. Please call Darke County Veterans Services at 937-548-5305 should you have any questions about the Ceremony or Parade.

In addition, Main Street Greenville invites you to also participate in the Fall Chocolate Walk, a sweet stroll through our beautiful downtown business district on that same Saturday. With your $20 ticket you will receive a voucher to visit participating downtown businesses and receive a treat at each one. Each business thoughtfully prepares a chocolate treat for you to experience their business in a unique way. What are you waiting for? Call your friends and plan your outing now and secure your tickets before they’re gone, only 200 tickets sold! You can purchase your tickets at Beanz Buttercream Bakery & Eatery, Refined Purveyors of Fine Goods, and The Welcome Center. Can’t make it downtown to pick up a ticket? Reserve tickets by emailing [email protected], then send in your payment and they will have your tickets waiting for you the day of the event.

Participants should plan to treat themselves in one of the many unique shops! It’s the perfect time to pick up some new Holiday decor, winter wardrobe pieces, or schedule that beauty appointment…Because the Holiday season is here!

“Please join us in thanking our Chocolate Walk sponsor, GNB Banking Centers. We appreciate their continued support of our downtown events and love that their main branch is located in downtown Greenville,” said April Brubaker, executive director for Main Street Greenville. They will be furnishing tote bags for the walk participants.

Main Street Greenville, a non-profit organization that supports downtown Greenville, Ohio through stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth. Learn more about the organization on their website,, or follow them on social media. You can contact them at [email protected] or 937-548-4998.

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