Greenville honors veterans with parade


By Ryan Berry

GREENVILLE — Residents of Greenville and the surrounding communities once again showed tremendous support for the county’s veterans by attending the annual Veteran’s Day Parade on Saturday, Nov. 11 in downtown Greenville.

Veteran’s Day was officially established in 1954, but its roots go back to Nov. 11, 1918, 11 a.m., when an armistice was signed signifying the end of World War I. The day was originally known as Armistice Day, but after several wars and conflicts, the name was changed to reflect the honor due veterans of all wars, conflicts and peacetime service.

A few years ago, the annual Veteran’s Day Parade in Greenville was in danger of being forgotten, but Mayor Steve Willman worked with the local service organizations to revive the parade and make it bigger than it had been previously. This year’s parade was organized by the City of Greenville, Darke County Veterans Services, American Legion, VFW, DAV and Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.

Mayor Willman welcomed the crowd gathered for the parade. He said the bells that rang from a local church were meant to call the community together. He was pleased to see all of those that came for the event.

This year’s speaker was Lt. Dr. Dana Robinson-Street, U.S. Navy retired. She said, “It is my pleasure and honor to be here celebrating what I consider to be one of the most important days of the year.” During her speech, Robinson-Street urged veterans, families of veterans and citizens to continue to fight for veterans to get the benefits they deserve. She turned her attention to the veterans in the audience and said, “Thanks for your honor, thank you for your courage, thank you for your heroism, and most of all thank you for being willing to serve.”

The ceremony also included a flag raising and the laying of the wreath at the veteran’s monument at the Darke County Courthouse. The Greenville High School Marching Band played the National Anthem and Ken Wombold, Commander of the American Legion Post 140, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Darke County Honor Guard gave a Gun Salute and played Taps. Pastor Alan Knoke, of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, gave the invocation and benediction.

The parade followed the ceremony including several local organizations as well as the Ansonia High School Marching Band.

To contact Daily Advocate Editor Ryan Berry, email [email protected].

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