Commissioners confirm solar farm pulls out


By Ryan Berry

GREENVILLE — The Darke County Commissioners announced Thursday that the push to have solar farms in the county has been withdrawn. Commissioners Marshall Combs and Larry Holmes were present.

Holmes said he recieved confirmation that Apex has scrapped its plan to install a solar farm in the county. “They do not plan to move forward. They have cancelled all leases or are in the process of cancelling all leases with landowners.” He said they anticipate having the long-term lease notation on the deed removed by the recorder’s office by the end of the month. “That brings that dialogue to closure.”

Holmes said he believes there is only one other solar project taking place in the county, but they have not been given anything official on the project. It is a utility grade solar project. “A permit has been requested in one of the townships up close to Rossburg, but nothing official has ever come forward. I believe that is an unzoned area. The township trustees would manage that one because it is under 50 megawatts,” said Holmes.

Holmes also announced he will be meeting with the new CEO at Miami Valley Community Action Partnership to discuss moving forward with reinstating transportation for medical purposes outside the county. The commissioners and the City of Greenville are moving forward with establishing transportation inside the county with Greenville Transit System (GTS). The attorneys for the city and the county have been meeting to iron out those details and the county is hoping to have the agreement in place in the next few weeks. That transportation would be open to all county residents for all transportation purposes, such as medical, employment, and shopping.

Even if the county and city can come together on an agreement, there will still be a void in out-of-county medical transportation because the GTS’s charter does not allow them to go outside the county. Holmes pointed out he will be pushing to get CAP to reinstate that service. Currently, persons needing out-of-county medical transportation have to rely on Catholic Social Services (CSS). Because CSS uses volunteers for transportation, having transportation might not always be accessible.

Mercedes McFarland, 4-H educator for the Darke County OSU Extension, addressed the commission and shared a new family and consumer sciences educator has been hired. The new educator will begin in February. McFarland also announced the extension office has a new area leader. Nate Arnett is serving as the interim area leader.

To contact Daily Advocate Editor Ryan Berry, email [email protected].

CORRECTION: Darke County Record Hillary Holzapfel recently issued a correction to the commissioner’s comments. She said her office does not alter deeds. In fact, it is unlawful for her office to alter deeds. She said she was unaware of any notations on the current deeds, but it would be up to Apex and their attornies to prepare the necessary paperwork if something needs to be recorded.

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