Bunco for Boobies gives to CADC

Members of the Bunco for Boobies organzing group and board members from the Cancer Association of Darke County unveiled this year’s donation to CADC.

Ryan Berry | Daily Advocate

By Ryan Berry


GREENVILLE — Bunco for Boobies recently announced its donation to the Cancer Association of Darke County (CADC). The organization has been around for 14 years, but recently finished its 12th event. The group was forced to take a two-year break when COVID hit.

Jessica Artz, spokesperson for Bunco for Boobies, proudly announced the group raised $21,000 for CADC and additional funds for individuals facing cancer treatment. In total the group raised $28,000 and was able to present seven private donations.

Bunco is a dice game generally played by women. The buncogameshop.com website said the game is “really all about sharing the warmth, good feelings, good times, stories, great food and beverages, laughing, and feeling wonderful.”

Artz said the event started in 2010 when one of their Bunco playing group members revealed she was diagnosed with breast cancer. They were originally going to do a one-time fundraiser to help her out. “It was more successful than we could have ever imagined,” said Artz. “After it was over, we gave so much money to Kelly and we reached out to the Cancer Association and gave them the balance.” Those who participated in the event encouraged the group to hold the event again.

Bunco for Boobies has now raised and distributed over $300,000 since its inception.

“The event is still going strong,” said Artz. “We continue to sell out every seat, every year.” The group generally hosts between 300 and 325 people each year.

Christine Lynn, executive director of CADC, thanked Bunco for Boobies for their donation. She explained this year’s donation will help fund nearly two-months of the expenses the association has for cancer patients. These funds will go to help purchase Ensure and will also be used to reimburse patients for transportation expenses to and from treatment and doctor visits, medical supplies and nutrition. “It’s going to be a big boost in the arm for the next couple of months,” said Lynn.

CADC generally writes 80-90 reimbursement checks a month and approximately 50 patients take advantage of the Ensure program monthly.

“That event, alone, is so uplifting and encouraging. Plus, it brings awareness to the organization (CADC) and brings more money to us,” Lynn concluded.

To contact Daily Advocate Editor Ryan Berry, email [email protected]