Ansonia football pays it forward with youth camp


ANSONIA — The Ansonia High School football program hosted a youth camp from May 20-22 for kids grades second through eighth.

Head coach Adam Hall, along with his assistant coaches and high school players, worked with the kids on defensive and offensive fundamentals.

Hall said it was the second year of the camp and he thought it went very well. They had 58 kids sign up and participate during the three day camp.

“It is always good to see that we have that many kids in the school system that are interested in and excited to play football. They have a lot of energy and it really makes the three camp days go by fast. We do individual position work on offense and defense, run a few plays, and then we get to what I think is most kids favorite part of camp, competitions and touch football,” Hall said. “This year our competitions were the 40 yard dash, pro agility, push ups, and sit ups. We had quite a few guys put up some pretty impressive numbers and everyone gave a great effort.”

The kids got to learn more about the sport from and were coached up by the high school players themselves. Hall said it was great to see his players help out and pay it forward in a way.

“They can remember being in elementary school and looking up to the high school players and I think they enjoy getting to be on the other side of that. We had close to thirty of our guys helping out this year and I thought they did a great job all three days,” Hall said.

The high school program is doing their part to help grow the sport in the community. Hall said in Ansonia, they are fortunate to have a very good flag football program ran by Tim Tobe at First Church of God. He also said the peewee program is in good hands with Mike Osterloh.

Hall encourages the kids to stick with the sport.

“I always tell the guys that it doesn’t matter if its flag, pee wee, junior high or high school, if you go to school in Ansonia you should be playing football. It is not too late to sign up,” Hall said.

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