GREENVILLE – This is the fourth year that the U.S. Committee of Catholic Bishops has encouraged the Catholic Church, along with her brothers and sisters of other faith denominations, to celebrate a Fortnight for Freedom — a call to 14 days of prayer, study, and action for the preservation of our religious freedoms.
“At this critical time, when freedom to worship, use the holy Name of God in public places, and the sanctity of marriage are being challenged, we at St. Mary’s Parish invite everyone to join us in prayer. Let us unite locally, nationally, and universally for religious liberty, freedom of conscience, and stronger families through traditional marriage. If governments remove God from our midst, what is to keep them from controlling all forms of media, our finances, and even our livelihoods. We need God in our lives and in our country.”
Please join us in praying for the preservation of our religious freedom and other rights which have always been upheld by the Constitution. St. Mary Church will be open from 7:30 a.m.- p.m. from June 21 through July 4. Mass is celebrated at 8 a.m. during the week, with Rosary following Mass. Special devotions will be led during 4 to 6 p.m. each day to July 4.