We all make mistakes but not all of us admit to them. In fact, mistakes are actually a pretty awesome part of our lives because our mistakes can lead to personal awareness and growth. After all, refusing to admit our mistakes do not nullify the matter instead it compounds the errors with wrong thinking.
Humans may be described as perfectionists, but in no way does that mean any human is perfect. Humans are imperfect. (To think otherwise would be a mistake!) Therefore when one is too proud to admit their flawed nature they are deluding themselves, compounding their imperfection, and thwarting their fullest potential.
But have you ever considered our mistakes have the ability to teach others about themselves? For example, when we see someone creating a mistake we often want to reach out to help them navigate through their difficulty. Perhaps it is because we know what it feels like to be in their shoes. We know that making an error or mistake is either; confusing, embarrassing, terrifying or worse. We feel their pain and either run to their assistance or would like to alleviate their anxiety, subdue their frustrations or fears and console them when they step away from the scrutiny of the situation. Such feeling of relating to, suffering with or feeling for others is the description of empathy. And in my opinion, empathy is the key that can unlock the door to our kindness and compassion.
Contrastingly, those who react with superiority, disdain, arrogance or intolerance towards someone who makes an error might have deeper personal issues, requiring improvement or at the least are in need of a “reality check”. After all life doesn’t come with instructions, so why should we be so hard on others?
With every mistake we make or witness we can learn tolerance, compassion and forgiveness of self and others. We discover our true nature and we begin to understand the wisdom of our every mistake. We allow blunders to humble us while instilling confidence and self-worth in the knowledge that regrets are worse than making mistakes.
We will never stop making mistakes since we are fallible creatures, but we are equally never too old to learn.
Mistakes have the ability to move us beyond our fears and towards personal growth. And if we can learn to laugh at our mistakes we can provide ourselves with a lifetime of entertainment.
Upcoming events:
Versailles Vet’s will continue their bid euchre tournaments every Thursday, (downstairs) starting at 7 p.m. This is open to the public and lots of fun.
This Saturday is the Annual Versailles Baseball Diamond Club Dinner/Auction. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are available by contacting Ted Lyons at (937) 438-1145 or Tony Rose at (937) 632-3132.
Monday, the Versailles Area Chamber of Commerce holds its annual banquet, which will include the presentation of Citizen of the Year and the People-Pride-Progress Awards. Tickets are $20 and may be purchased by contacting Fred Poeppleman at 526-9869 or [email protected].
Happy birthday to Pat Pax (80), Emma York (13), Leslie Phlipot, Marie Todd, Michelle Reed, Angie Armstrong, Tami Shrock, Taylor Martin (15), Judy Mumaw, Shirley Pitsenbarger, Mitchell Rawlins, Susan Browder, Barb Mangen, Merilyn Borchers, Beverly Paxson, Ed Borchers, Blake Monnin, Brian Kruckeberg, Denise Shimp, Crissy Treon, Larry Francis, Rose Schlater, Steve Knapke, Rebecca Shreffler, and Sis Smith. Happy anniversary wishes to Ola and Mike Schafer (43), Judy and Tom Mumaw (48) and Milton and Wanda (Treon) Royer (52).
Healing prayers and get well wishes for Cyril Frantz, Ted Finnarn, Jim Frantz, Norma Magoto, Marvin Godwin, Jennifer Platfoot, Betty Kremer, Dave Francis, Kevin Bohman, Ann Paulus Pedersen, James Magoto, Harry Gorrell, Chick Conley, Jan Turner, Dan Bertke, Dan Monnin, Betty Dotson, Kathy Magoto, Kathy Miller, Kitty Zumbrink, Betty Hess, Scottie Barga, Bob Longenecker, Josh Paulus, John Davis, Beverly Norton, Carl Drees, Dave Magoto, Alan Barga, Maggie Dabbelt, Bob Homan, Kelly Bruns, Steven Youngker, Iris Nickol, Eileen Rahm, Robert Longenecker, Rita Wuebker, Merilyn Borchers, Yvonne Ridenour, Cyril Voisard, Wayne Pittsenbarger, Lois and James Youngker, Isabella Yakos, Brian Voisard Barb and Jon Agne, Samantha Smith, Michelle Ullom and all those dealing with cancer or any one of life’s many challenges, as well the hospitalized or homebound in need of our prayers but not mentioned by name.
Sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Joseph Goubeaux (77), Wilma Gibboney (84), Francis Bulcher (97), also remembering the lives of Jerry Brown, Dorothy Hollopeter, Tim Vagedes, John Bensman, Ron Vanderhorst, Dennis Bertke, Delbert Stephan, Jim Unger, Teresa Etter, Ann York, Gerald Boecke, Cecelia Simon, Bertha Seger, Tom O’Reilly, Marilyn Grieshop, James Bruns, Shep Simon, Terry Miller, Leetta Hemmelgarn, Karla Borges, Agnes Voisard, Jean Ward, Mary Kelch, Dwight Mendenhall, Edna Lennon, Henry Dircksen all those who are in our hearts but not mentioned by name as the anniversary of their passing nears.
“Your best teacher is your last mistake” ~Unknown
“More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them.” ~Harold J. Smith
“Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom.” ~Unknown