DARKE COUNTY – This report always shows money received for the year, how it was spent, and what it maintained, constructed, purchased, or improved. We always try to maximize total funds spent on road and bridge improvements. Including grants for 2019, this was $2,881,753.95, or an amount equal to 45.4 percent of our total annual receipts.
Heavy spring rains delayed many tasks until June, but during the remaining year we resurfaced 28.95 miles of County roads by contract, applied chip-seal surfaces to 19.99 miles with county personnel and equipment, and completed six bridge replacement and rehabilitation projects. We also performed extensive shoulder widening on Gettysburg-Pitsburg Road in preparation for the resurfacing of its 8.78 miles next year, in 2020.
Our employees continued their great job of performing all types of road and bridge construction and maintenance work. In addition to surface sealing, our crews performed all snow/ice control, roadside mowing, and normal maintenance on 522.575 road miles. They also performed tree trimming and removal, replaced 16 culverts on county and township roads, and made numerous ditch and drainage improvements.
Darke County road revenue had remained stagnant from 2006 through 2017, but was increased seven percent in 2018 by a local license fee increase. In early 2019, the governor and legislature dealt with the combination of rising prices and static revenue by increasing the Ohio tax on fuel, which will ultimately be a great help to counties, townships, cities and villages. This additional monthly funding was first realized in September of 2019 and should continue thereafter.
Total spending for 2019 was $172,115.89 (three percent) greater than 2018, but $481,734.18 (eight percent) less than the total receipts.
This was done in preparation for a larger paving year planned for 2020.
For a full copy of the report or for more information, contact the engineer’s office at (937) 547-7375 or email [email protected].