Chapter competes in Middle School Career Development Events


VERSAILLES — On Thursday, Dec. 1, Versailles FFA participated in the inaugural Middle School Career Development Events at Ohio FFA Center in Columbus, with eighth grade Versailles FFA members.

At the Middle School CDE Versailles FFA participated in the Ag Career Quiz Bowl, Ag Career Conservation and Ag Career Exploration. Versailles FFA placed 2nd in the state in the Ag Career Quiz Bowl, the team consisted of Hank Smith, Greta Broering, Rhylan Broerman and Brady Rogers. As part of the quiz bowl the team answered questions about ag careers and statistics related to agriculture.

Versailles FFA won the first and second round and placed second overall in a close third round. In the area of ag career conservation Lucy Schmitmeyer placed fourth in the state and was in charge of conducting a conversation with an agriculture professional with her selected career as an agriculture education instructor. Patrick McGlinch and Adam Rauh competed in the Ag Career Exploration in which they each wrote and delivered 4 to 6 minute speeches on an agriculture career. McGlinch placed third in the state and Adam Rauh placed sixth in the state. McGlinch gave a speech about a career in Precision Ag Specialist and special thanks to Justin Goubeaux for providing McGlinch with quotes. Rauh spoke about being an agriculture lawyer and a special thanks to Ryan Conklin for sharing quotes with Rauh.

Congratulations to all the eighth grade FFA members who competed in the State FFA Middle School Career Development Events.

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