Help for Kratom addiction


DENHAM SPRINGS, LA —Kratom is an herbal substance that can be purchased at gas stations, headshops, and online. It produces opioid and stimulant like effects depending on the amount a person takes, acting as a stimulant in low doses, but in high doses, as a sedative. Even though it is legal and readily available, many are becoming addicted. It has been reported people are using Kratom to try and kick their opioid habits, yet it isn’t as effective as someone might think.

You see, even though Kratom is legal, the Federal Drug Administration has not approved it for any use. It may be seen in some eyes as a legal, safer high, but there is always some downfall. This is because even though it may be uncommon to overdose on Kratom, there have been reports of people overdosing from it. Ethan, a twenty-three-year-old, overdosed on Kratom and his parents have sparked a lawsuit and caused an uproar in the Kratom industry.

Lawyer Matt Wetherington stated Kratom is marketed as natural and completely safe, but the Kratom sold in the United States is ultra-concentrated and is more like heroin or other opioids. The lawyers involved in the lawsuit against the Kratom industry want to send a message that despite how Kratom is marketed, it is unsafe for human consumption.

The United States Drug Enforcement Agency states Kratom can be addictive and cause delusions, hallucinations, and confusion. It can be sold as pills, extracts, or capsules, but some take Kratom leaves, smoke them, chew, or make tea with them. Kratom can also be sold in liquid shots, which Ethan bought days before he died. Liquid Kratom shots are deemed to be exceptionally dangerous because they provide consumers with higher concentrations of mitragynine, a psychoactive ingredient. This higher concentration increases the risk of overdose and death.

Some signs to look for if someone is using low doses of Kratom (stimulant-like effects) are alertness, unusually talkative, and excess physical energy. Signs to look for in higher doses of Kratom (sedative-like effects) are sweating, nausea, constipation, drowsiness, tachycardia, itching, vomiting, dry mouth, loss of appetite, and increased urination. There have also been reports of people experiencing hallucinations, anorexia, hepatotoxicity, weight loss, insomnia, and seizures.

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If you or a loved one are struggling with Kratom, reach out for help. Narconon helps people all over the US find treatment to end the web that traps those in addiction. To learn what to look for visit:

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