East Main celebrating 125 years


GREENVILLE — July 2 will be a special “Celebration Sunday” for the East Main Church of Christ. The congregation, 419 East Main St., Greenville, will be celebrating their 125th anniversary at J & J Enterprises, 3875 State Route 502. The congregation began in Greenville in 1898. The morning’s theme will be “Looking Back, Pressing Forward.”

At the church’s Praise Celebration at 10:30 a.m., Brooke Williams will be leading in praise and sharing a musical presentation. Sierra Brumbaugh and Tony Erwin will also have some music, Minister Jim Morehouse will be sharing a devotion and communion will be offered. While there are picnic tables in the shelter where the service will take place, some may choose to bring their own chairs. The service will also include a love offering.

Afterwards there will be a potluck cook-out with hamburgers and hot dogs provided. After eating, there will be swimming, volleyball and tattoos for the kids. Attenders may bring food to share, something to throw on the grill and their own beverage if they would like.

Towards evening there will be a campfire and the chance to roast hot dogs and marshmallows and then an outdoor movie at dusk. Call 937-547-1557 for more information.

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