Dog agility classes begin soon


GREENVILLE — What does an A frame, teeter, tunnels, jumps, and dog walk mean along with a lot of fast and fun action for both dog and owner? Agility Class!

Greenville Area Dog Club offers three levels of agility classes on Thursday evenings: Intro, Beginners and Advanced. The Intro class is geared toward owners and dogs who have never taken an agility class before but wants to see what it’s all about. The eigh-week Intro to Agility introduces your dog to short tunnels, a low seesaw, walking a plank and begin weave pole training. Dogs will be working on leash and must have completed one Beginner Obedience course.

The Beginners class is for those who have taken the Intro and want to continue to learn and expand the skills needed to perform the basic agility equipment (tunnels, contacts, and weaves). The Advanced class is designed to improve teamwork. Multiple obstacle sequences will be presented with challenges that require the dog and handler to function smoothly as a team. The obstacle sequences in this class will be more challenging and of greater length. This class is fast-paced and requires a high degree of interest and motivation from both the dog and handler.

The fall Agility classes start Sept. 14. Call Charlotte at 937-459-9170 for class times and registration.

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