Greenville boys soccer season opener at home on Aug. 19


GREENVILLE — The Greenville boys soccer season is set to begin this week. They will open the season with a home game against Milton-Union on Aug. 19 at Harmon Field with the game set to start at 1 p.m.

Head coach Ethan Cundiff said the team has started to gel together during the offseason. After going through two scrimmages, the team is aware of what they need to improve on.

“The team as a whole is coming together and we’re really excited to start the season. We’ve used the alumni match and our scrimmage vs Dixie to help us find out what we need to work on. Team captains Gavin Hayes, Ross McRill, and Kevin Nguyen have stepped up in their roles,” Cundiff said.

The team will be a bit inexperienced like last season, but do have some returning players. The team is ready to finally get out there and get the season going.

“We will use this whole week to prepare for our first match against Milton Union. I look forward to having the boys get out and finally compete in a match! This season will be a good one in many different ways,” Cundiff said

The team will then have three straight road games after the season opener. They will travel to Tippecanoe on Aug. 22, to Butler on Aug. 29 and to Eaton on Sept. 2. The two conference games are set to start at 7 p.m. while Eaton is an 11 a.m. start.

The full boys soccer schedule can be found on the Greenville athletic website,

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