BINGO at Faith United Methodist Church


By Vickie Rhodehamel

Arcanum News

Faith United Methodist church is celebrating fall by hosting a FREE Bingo party and you are invited! Please come to the downstairs community room on Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. Bring your friends and neighbors to come and play and win some cute prizes and enjoy a yummy dessert! Faith UMC is located at 101 E. South Street, Arcanum.

Happy 100th birthday to Byron Davis! Byron celebrated with two big parties! One with his Senior Citizen card party group and the other one at Rob’s in Brookville. Byron grew up on the Davis homeplace on Verona-Pitsburg Road near Graw Road. He graduated from Monroe High School in 1942. He married Ester Spitler, his high school sweetheart. He and Ester had one son, Jack who was born in 1945. He also served in the Navy during WWII in 1943-45. Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Byron!

Fall Fun is the name of the game at Brumbaugh Fruit Farm, 6420 Hollansburg-Arcanum Road, Arcanum. The Fun Farm is open Saturdays 11 to 7 and Sundays 12-7 after Labor Day through November 1st. Farmer’s Daughter Bakery is open year-round with hours Monday thru Friday 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday Noon to 7 p.m.

Want to learn about bees? Head to Arcanum Public Library on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. for a great program presented by Caden Buschur, a Darke County Educator. He will discuss types of bees, beekeeping, and what can be done to help these pollinators. No signup is needed for this drop-in program. New at the library – Playaway Launchpads have arrived! Now available to be checked out-they are pre-loaded tablets. No Wi-Fi needed. They have some for ages 3+, 5+, 10+, teen+ and for adults. Support provided in part by Casey’s. Just stop in or call them at 937-692-8484 for more information. The APL is located at 101 W. North Street, Arcanum.

Save the date – Oct. 7 for our Annual Open House and Fire Prevention Day at the Arcanum Firehouse. The event will start at 11 a.m. This year’s activities include a swearing in ceremony, a new truck push into the station and dedication and the showing of a new video ” Odd hours, no pay, and a cool hat.” There will also be fire truck rides, a Jumpy house, Careflight helicopter and food for everyone. Make plans now to come and spend the day with them learning more about your local fire department.

Congratulations to the Stelvideo Grange who are celebrating their 150th anniversary this year at the fair. The Ohio State Grange turned 150 years old on April 9. It was organized by Seth H. Ellis in 1873. Approximately eight months later, Stelvideo Grange #295 was organized. They will celebrate their 150th anniversary in December. The National Grange was established in 1867 and is the oldest agricultural and rural public interest organization.The Darke County Deputy is Arcanum residents, Harvey and Lynne Hinshaw. Local leader is Susan Gunckle to the Jr. Grange who have 18 youth members currently. Grange is a faith-based Christian organization and they have geared some of their community service with that in mind. Most recently, Stelvideo Grange and Junior Grange installed Blessing Boxes around the county, a couple boxes in Greenville, as well as Pitsburg, Arcanum, and Ansonia. Grange Members fill the boxes up with non-perishable/canned goods. The one in Arcanum is located on the west side of the STF Insurance building on North High Street.

September by John Updike

“The breezes taste of apple peel. The air is full of smells to feel – ripe fruit, old footballs, burning brush, new books, erasers, chalk and such. The bee, his hive, well-honeyed hum, and mother cuts chrysanthemums. Like plates washed clean with suds, the days are polished with a morning haze.”

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